About Us

Zimbackpacker is run by a network of Tourism Professionals who attended University of Zimbabwe together, where we studied Tourism and Hospitality Management under the guidance of Dr Marunda, Dr Mhizha, Dr Tanyanyiwa, Dr Zengeni, and the late Dr Mandebvu. Our Stream faced a lot of challenges in entering the job market, we were not known. After over a decade acquiring industry experience, we felt this Travel Guide Service would be our best contribution to the Zimbabwe tourism sector.

Our goal is to fill in that gap, to explore those uncomfortable cultures that have affected our tourism offerings and discuss, until we reach that level, that makes it easy to travel for people of all income levels.


Hi, I’m Fofo

I live for aesthetically pleasing spaces. I hope that with Zimbackpacker's curated content, you too can find inspiration to travel, and to travel your way.